Solar energy

Convert the sun’s energy into a regular income

Solar energy is tried and tested to be reliable and has a positive impact on wildlife and biodiversity. 4% of the UK’s entire electricity was generated via solar in 2021 – a figure that will grow significantly over the next decade.

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By leasing your land to Green Switch Capital, you could diversify your income stream and enjoy predictable payments per acre per year. Guaranteed for the next 30-40 years – and without any personal financial investment

With Traditional farming in the UK becoming less and less profitable, we understand that landowners are looking for alternative options. Choose our Solar Energy option and you will receive a guaranteed, fixed payment per acre – for the entire lifecycle of the lease period.


How it works

How it works

The process

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Frequently asked questions

Solar farms typically operate for 25 to 40 years. After this period, the infrastructure can be removed, and the site can be restored to its original state.

A full Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment of the solar development will be prepared. The report will identify significant views, as well as areas to plant trees and hedges. This will help provide screening to the site, better integrating the development into the local landscape. Solar panels are also mounted low to the ground, so they are much less visible over distance than wind farms or nuclear power stations.

Solar panels are securely fixed in place on piled frames, minimising movement and reducing the need for frequent maintenance throughout their lifespan.

Yes, most solar panels can be recycled through government-regulated schemes like the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) initiative. This ensures proper collection, treatment, and recycling of solar components.

Any new development must now achieve an improvement to biodiversity over and above the existing situation. A new solar farm will include new grasslands, wildflower meadows and other habitat enhancements. The site will provide a protected area in which nature can thrive. The biodiversity will be managed by an approved Biodiversity Management Plan.

Security fencing and CCTV cameras are used to safeguard solar farms, with fencing options that blend with the natural surroundings to minimise visual impact.

Solar panels themselves produce no noise. Inverters and transformers can generate minimal noise, but they are usually placed away from residential properties to minimise disturbance.

Solar panel installation has minimal impact on surface water runoff, particularly where grass and vegetation are enhanced below and surrounding panels. The framework is piled directly into the ground, so there is minimal requirement to lay any concrete. A Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy will be prepared along with additional precautionary measures as part of the layout. This includes shallow swales to channel runoff and disperse via natural infiltration, evaporation, and uptake by vegetation

A Construction Traffic Management Plan will consider traffic routing and traffic volumes to minimise impacts on the local transport network during construction and operation. This will be agreed with the local Highways Authority, a statutory consultee, before construction. The construction phase typically lasts approximately 4-6 months.

Maintenance involves cleaning the panels, landscaping, and general upkeep. Visits are made throughout the year for routine checks, with minimal impact on local traffic due to standard vehicles used.

A heritage and archaeological assessment will be completed to evaluate the impact on heritage assets such as listed buildings, scheduled ancient monuments, battlefields and any potential remains of archaeological interest. Appropriate mitigation proposals will be submitted with the planning application.

When selecting a site for a solar project, several key criteria are considered to ensure the project's feasibility and minimise its impact on the environment:

• Environmental and Planning Designations: Sites are reviewed for statutory designations and potential environmental impacts. Sites near sensitive areas, such as nature reserves, protected habitats, or historical landmarks, are generally avoided.

• Flood Risk Assessment: Sites are assessed for flood risks. Projects are often placed in low-risk areas or equipped with drainage strategies to manage runoff and avoid worsening flooding elsewhere.

• Agricultural Land Quality: Projects typically use lower-quality agricultural land (Grades 3 and 4) to avoid impacting high-quality farmland. The ability to return the land to agricultural use after decommissioning is also considered.

• Proximity to Roads and Residential Areas: The site should be accessible for construction and maintenance while minimising visual and noise impacts on residential communities.

• Existing Screening and Topography: Natural barriers, such as hedgerows or trees, and landscape features can help visually integrate the development into the local environment.

• Proximity to Grid Connection: Sites located near substations or existing transmission lines simplify the connection process and reduce the project's footprint.

• Glint and Glare Analysis: Potential impacts on nearby properties, roads, or aviation routes are studied, and the site layout is adjusted to reduce glare where necessary.

• Footpaths and Rights of Way: Existing rights of way are preserved and incorporated into the design, with any temporary closures coordinated with local authorities.

Firstly, there’s the solar panels themselves. These are attached to metal frames fixed directly into the ground – we don’t use concrete for this, making everything more sustainable and easier for us to leave without a trace when we our lease is up. Panels are installed with a minimum 4m gap between rows, allowing enough space for vehicles to pass and livestock to graze. We’d also install a number of electrical devices, such as inverters and transformers – and even a private substation if needed.

Security and safety are also very important, so a 2m fence will be installed around the perimeter – deer fences are great for this as they allow smaller animals to come and go, and blend in with the countryside around them.

The electricity is fed straight into your local power grid, but in extremely rural areas with smaller populations, there may not be sufficient demand on the network to make it possible to install a Solar Farm on your land.

Not really. Much less than regular glass actually – and that’s one of the reasons they’re so efficient. A special coating maximises the amount of light that passes through, so hardly any energy is lost through reflective glare.

Very little actually. We’ll keep everything running smoothly with regular check-ups and any required maintenance – and cover all the costs.

We employ a specialist team of land managers to take care of any land where Solar Farms are installed. These experts might plant hedges, trees and meadows – avoiding pesticides where possible.

We can’t make solar panels without using energy, but they more than offset themselves within a year through the sustainable energy they create.

Our solar farms are screened from view as best we can, so neighbours usually won’t see them and property prices should be unaffected.

Depending on planning and the grid connection offer, this can range from 18 months to 24 months. Surprisingly, construction can be as little as 12 weeks.

Yes, absolutely. We are more than happy to collaborate with neighbours. Subject to viability.