When selecting a site for a battery energy storage facility, the following criteria are generally considered:
• Environmental Impact and Planning Designations: The site is assessed for its potential impact on local wildlife, flora, and sensitive habitats. Sites near areas with environmental protections or specific planning designations are often avoided.
• Proximity to Roads and Residential Areas: The site should be accessible for construction and maintenance purposes while being sufficiently distant from residential areas to limit potential noise impacts.
• Existing Screening and Topography: Natural or existing barriers that can help visually screen the facility are advantageous, while the site's topography determines optimal positioning for equipment.
• Proximity to Grid Connection: Sites are chosen near substations or transmission lines for easy grid connectivity with minimal environmental disruption. Where possible, we endeavour to lay cables underground to minimise visual impact.
• Use of Brownfield or Previously Developed Land: Preference is given to brownfield sites to minimise the impact on undeveloped or agricultural land and to make better use of previously impacted areas.
• Technical Feasibility and Economic Viability: Technical reports, such as noise and flood risk assessments, are conducted to determine if the site meets the required standards for operation and can be economically viable.