At the heart of your community

We’re so grateful to be welcomed into so many rural communities around the UK, that we’d like to give something back. And not just in the communities where we operate. Anyone from any community can put themselves forward for our Green Switch Community Grant – just tell us your plan for bringing your community closer together, and we could help you make them happen for real.

What’s the big idea?

A Green Switch Community Grant could be for anything from playground equipment, sprucing up the village hall or putting on a street party for all the residents to enjoy. But we’re sure you’ve got much better ideas than us. And we’d love to hear them.

To nominate your community, simply email your ideas to

Get in touch

What’s the big idea?

A Green Switch Community Grant could be for anything from playground equipment, sprucing up the village hall or putting on a street party for all the residents to enjoy. But we’re sure you’ve got much better ideas than us. And we’d love to hear them.

To nominate your community, simply email your ideas to