20 July 2023

As guardians of our land and primary food producers, farmers have always understood the importance of sustainability. In recent years, more and more farmers are turning towards renewable energy solutions - namely, solar and wind energy, as well as battery energy storage systems. Why this shift? It's driven by a blend of economic and environmental factors.

The price of solar and wind technologies has dropped dramatically over the last decade, making them a cost-effective way to meet energy needs. Moreover, these sources offer an extra, passive income to farmers which can help with the increasing costs of farming.

Solar panels can be installed on unused land or land used to graze sheep. This dual usage optimises land productivity, as panels provide shade and shelter for the livestock, while the sheep keep the area under the panels clear of weeds.

Similarly, wind turbines are an effective use of farmland as they have a minimal ground footprint. The space between turbines can be used for growing crops or grazing livestock, allowing farmers to maintain their agricultural activities while generating electricity.

Battery energy storage systems require less land than both solar and wind, being compact and efficient. Despite their smaller size, they play a critical role in storing surplus energy generated by solar panels and wind turbines. This stored energy can then be used during periods of low renewable energy generation, ensuring a reliable, continuous power supply.

From an environmental perspective, adopting renewable energy aligns with the farming community’s stewardship ethos. It reduces carbon footprint, contributing to global efforts to fight climate change and helping to conserve non-renewable resources.

Farmers' adoption of solar, wind, and battery storage systems highlights a future-focused strategy - one that nurtures both the economy and the environment. It is a powerful testament to their adaptability and commitment to sustainable growth for future generations.